Sunday, July 24, 2016

Big Sky Montana

Big Sky was our destination yesterday, we were really looking forward to seeing the resort and strolling through the many shops they have, unfortunately we never made it.  There was a major accident that happen and the road wouldn't be open for another 3 to 4 hours, lucky for us we had a small car and were able to turn around but anyone in anything larger were stuck there.  So we came back to town and had lunch and walked through some of the shops we hadn't been in.

Today (Sunday) Charlie brought the car back and tomorrow we'll clean and make a laundry run!  We leave Tuesday for Seattle, WA.  It'll take us about 3 days with a couple of stops on the way.

I'm glad we had 2 weeks in Yellowstone, there's so much to see, this has been an amazing part of our journey and look forward to the many new sights in WA.