Saturday, June 25, 2016

Lake Tour

Our tour today was to the Great Salt Lake.  Great Salt Lake is a remnant of prehistoric Lake Bonneville, which is more than 20,000 square miles of land.  The present lake is about 75 mile long and 35 miles wide, with a maximum depth of 33 ft. while there we saw the marina, viewed birds in the nearby marsh. The lake is a popular destination for birders, there are more than 257 bird species.  Fish and other aquatic life cannot tolerate the hyper saline water. However, brine shrimp and sea monkeys thrive in the lake.  Our tour guide caught both for us to see.

We stopped to see the Saltair which is the most famous resort and is about 2 miles east of the marina.  It has a lot of history. It was first built in 1893, but was destroyed by fire in 1971.  In 1981 a Saltair replica was built, and destroyed in 1984 by a flood.  In 1993 with the lower lake levels it was reopened to the public. 

Tomorrow will be an R&R day.  The weather today was in the 80's perfect for our tour.  Remember to

click on the pictures to enlarge them.

Model of the original resort

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